Monday, January 26, 2015

Something learned at more meetings

Hey don't worry about Sydney going home. Honestly time freezes while you go on your mission. I still refer to things that happened a year before I left as a year ago... and then I remember it's 2015.(Steve and I had both written him our concerns about him feeling homesick because Sydney comes home this week.)

We had more meetings this week. We read a scripture in Matt. 17 where the apostles fail to cast out a demon, out of a boy. When Jesus shows up theres a commotion, and he casts it out. 

The apostles reply with... how? why could you when we couldn't? 

The answer "for your unbelief" 

We talked about raising our spirituality, sanctifying ourselves, not seeing a difference between obedience, and exact obedience. 

It's like saying Jesus was obedient in doing the Atonement, but he didn't do it with exact obedience so only 3/4ths of mankind is saved. It's a little ridiculous, right? 

The act of obedience always requires exactness.

How the apostoles were called and set apart. Maybe they even had little missionary outfits too, but there's a huge difference between poder y autoridad.(power and authority)

We exercised this power this week. There's been this one lady that goes to church that we just haven't felt right about. There's something going on that she's not telling us, so the message that we felt inspired to share, repentance. 

We read D&C 20:37 with her.(37 And again, by way of commandment to the church concerning the manner of baptism—All those who humble themselves before God, and desire to be baptized, and come forth with broken hearts and contrite spirits, and witness before the church that they have truly repented of all their sins, and are willing to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, having a determination to serve him to the end, and truly manifest by their works that they have received of the Spirit of Christ unto the remission of their sins, shall be received by baptism into his church.) We told her that as members we can't be two different people in the light and in the dark. That we shouldn't worry about hiding from the eyes of man, instead hide from the eyes of God. But God sees everything we do.

The spirit was so strong. We invited her to repent, and sanctify herself before God, stood up, and we left. We'll see her again this week, I hope she's changed. 

That's it, tell Syd to enjoy the house life. See you guys there soon. 

I'm getting the push ups down so I'm bulky when I get back. Love you guys, bye

Monday, January 19, 2015

Divisions and talks

Good ol´ family. 

Not to be a party pooper or anything but in another 2 weeks I complete a girl mission... can't I just stop writing you after that? It gets a little repetitive sometimes... 

We have another capacitation(training) coming up with president Wednesday. It'll be with our zone, Celaya south and Irapuato. 

Had divisiones with an elder this week, they last 3 days now so I didn't spend much time in my area. (The kid that came here, drank all my milk....) (Nick said he got gum in his sheets too.  I told him to go buy new sheets)

... I bet your expecting a long letter right? 

I kinda have nothing to say. 

We went up to San Miguel again, and helped them with their numbers. 

Saw some more gueros. 

Ate some cheese cake. 

Started writing my talk for when I got back (just cause I know I'll not want to write it when I get back) 

Gave a talk this week about Helaman Chapter 5. I talked on how there was a point when Nefi and Lehi remembered the words of their father, who in this time had been dead for 10 years. Seeing their people in disaster they decided the only things they can do is to leave on missions, and teach their people. But I ended up relating it to my own mission, how the first city Nefi got to was Abundance, and how Queretaro for me was the city of abundance with all the tomales, tortas, and tacos al pastor every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 

I talked about converts and people I've met on my mission. How coming to Celaya is like teaching the Lamanites because there are just pure cholos(gang kids) here. (I'm sure Nick is a big hit in his area.  They may chase him out of the city, like Lamanites, too.)

The point was this though, that one day every one is going to have kids or grand kids that grow up and are not sure whether they should leave or stay. And to never lose the chance to share their testimonies with them and to always be a good example. 

I told them that I would have never had the courage to come out if it wasn't for what my parents had taught me all my life with their examples, and testified of the truthfulness of this work. 

I know it's true. 

love you all 


Monday, January 12, 2015

Tiring week

I'm worn out. 

This week was all divisions and a total of a 15 hour meeting in Querètaro, all day Thursday and Friday. 

It was good though, I learned a lot. 

Presidente just talked about obedience. 

He pointed out some things like when missionaries say 

"Why is it if I'm being obedient that I'm not having success?" 

or better yet "Why is he having success, if hes not very obedient?"

Then he just went hard and said we treat success as if it's something we deserve from being obedient. As if we're working for our honor and glory and forgot all about how this has nothing to do with us and everything to do with serving God. 

How we choose which rules we want to obey or not obey, but the rules are not a buffet. 

Read to us Deut. 5:1, etc. (And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them. )

Basically I'm a terrible person. 

Every time we have a meeting with him he knows exactly what to say and what we need though. 

He sends saludos, I hope you can meet him someday. 

As far as San Miguel goes... nothing to report. It was a lot of just walking around looking for people that weren't there. 

Celaya, well yep still ghetto, there were gunshots outside Friday night but no one showed up`dead in the newspaper. It's a good thing we're missionaries. 

Love you guys, I'll see you soon, 


Monday, January 5, 2015


So I finally escaped Cela-york and came to the land of the Gueros...(He's in San Miguel de Allende). What weird creatures they are. 

They're all old rich white people that ride around on their 4 wheelers, complain that there are missionaries everywhere, speak English and walk around in one color jumpers. 


In other news my trainer, Elder Cruz got engaged too... Tis the season...

.... ... oh yeah, on New Years, we went to KFC, for fried chicken, no one really invited us

also ghetto Mexican fireworks,

 I don't know, it was kind of depressing, the holidays aren't the same without your family, but it's the last one,basically. 

As far as teaching goes, we found a little kid! They always listen to us. We're working with him right now to get baptized the 24 of enero.(24 of Jan)

There's still no one home, they've all run away on vacations to DF. (Mexico City)

Talk to you guys in a week,bye!  

I'll have some kind of story next week.. all the stories this week were just stuff that happens in Celaya. 

New Years fun

The Elder who Nick had exchanges with in San Miguel with, made him ribs.  Yum!

San Miguel de Allende