Now we have tables and chairs and an ironing board. Everything you would ever need as a missionary, except for a refrigerator... that's gonna take another 2 weeks I think.
But that's okay because we have magical boxed milk, that you can leave unrefrigerated for 5 weeks and it will still be good.. some say it's chemicals, some say it's minerals, but I say it's magic.
Speaking of magic, everyone is superstitious here. We've gone to like 4 houses where they tell us about the brujas (witches) that walk around in the hills and mountains at night. They see big colored balls of light walking up the mountain, and when they get to the top they just shoot off like comets.
I must admit, I'm pretty interested in seeing these magic light balls...
So according to what Syd said, she's been teaching a lot of people that have been taught for a long time.
It's different here...
We're actually having a different problem with trying to teach too many people. We end up losing a bunch of time in focusing on people who really are not interested in progressing, and just like that, we visit them. So this week we dropped more people, which is always a little sad, but at the same time it's for the better, most of the time.
I don't know if I ever told you how the mission president read us this scripture in Jacob 1:19, where it talks about if we stink at teaching people that are a potential, that their sins will stain our shirts in the last day. So that's no fun.
But, if we do it by the spirit, and with faith that we'll find more, well, God is going to bless us.
I guess the last story of the week though. Last week we dropped like 5 people and we were a little nervous about who we were going to teach this week. In the end, we found 6 new people (a mom and her daughter, a free mason (still have to check for the ring), a 19 year old girl, and a dad with a son with anger management problems, I think). And end of the first lesson with the mom, she asked us at what time she could be baptized. That was really unexpected.
I love you guys. Thank you for your thoughts and your prayers. I can feel them.
Elder Arvanitas
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