Monday, February 9, 2015

Feeling Better

Alright, my spirits are a little better this week. It's probably over 9000.(You have to be a Naruto watcher to get this statement.) 

Just another week of walking around and being in meetings though. 

On the bright side, this hermano took us to get these delicious sandwiches and to talk. (It was a little bit of a relief because the menu lately has been lukewarm posole and wet chicharron) 

Superman to Kryptonite is <= Elder Arvanitas to Chicharron in Salsa

We're accomplishing "mission" reactivate mission leader. 
Hes kind of inactive, and doesn't do anything. So we talked to him last Sunday  and we set an appointment for Sat. 

And he came! 

... The only problem is that he just wanted to come to practice his Amway presentation... for almost 2 hours.. It was a little ridiculous, but we'll keep working with him. 

This guy came up and started contacting us this week. He had a bottle of Coke inside a grocery bag. 

He stated 6 times that "This isn't beer... its refresco." 

It's my new logo.

I had a meeting with President. We talked a lot about the Sermon on the Mount. I didn't realize how powerful it was. In particular, I liked verse 6.

"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy" 

You know how sometimes with members or friends or leaders in the church, if someone makes a mistake or doesn't do his job, its like "off with his head". 

But, we should be merciful, and forgive people and see them for their potential, always. Because it's by grace that we are made perfect .

As far as investigadors, we're working on it. There's not enough time in the day to accomplish everything we need to do. But they're progressing. 

That's all, 


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